Why be a Member of TADAS?
As a member of Toukley And District Art Society Inc:
- You will receive an emailed monthly newsletter with news and articles held at the gallery and relevant “What’s On” updates.
- You are eligible to exhibit your artwork or craft at the Gallery.
- You will have access to workshop classes and social groups.
- You will meet and socialise with a great group of skilled artists.
- You will have the opportunity to make friends and colleagues.
More information is available on our Exhibition webpage or contact the gallery for more information on exhibiting in our Gallery.
Become a Member
We are proud to offer a range of one-day workshops and weekly class sessions, as well a number of social groups that come together to share similar interests and support each other in their art exploration. Come along and see for yourself.
Click on the button below to fill in our membership form.
Memberships are from July 1st to June 30th each year.
Note to all Members
As a member of Toukley & District Art Society you agree to abide by the TADAS Constitution, policies and procedures.
Become A Volunteer
Enhance and enrich your membership at TADAS by becoming one of our volunteers.
The Gallery runs on volunteer muscle, and we welcome more people to spread the load. It may be in the office, on the display team, helping organise events or helping in the kiosk. It’s a fun and interesting way of making new friends and learn more about this wonderful gallery.
Just a few hours a month would be much appreciated and make a big difference.
Please contact the Gallery (4392 4666) for more information or drop in for a chat.